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List Of Executive Members

Members Details

Executive committee Members (EC)

Sl. No. Photo Name Designation
1 Pam Rajput President
2 Pramila Swain Secretary
3 Sheba George Joint Secretary
4 Lalita Missal Tresurer
5 Nilam Chaturvedi Member
6 Ruth Manorama Member
7 Tapati Bhowmick, Member

NAWO Members and Focal Point Areas

Sl. No. Name Areas
01 Ms. Roshmi Goswami Assam, Meghalaya, Nagaland, Tripura
02 Ms. Jarjum Ete Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Mizoram, Sikkim
03 Ms. Pramila swain Odisha
04 Ms. Shanti Chakravorty West Bengal
05 Ms. Shashi Sail Bihar, Madhya Pradesh
06 Ms. Neelam Chaturvedi Uttar Pradesh
07 Dr. Pam Rajput Delhi, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, J&K, Punjab
08 Ms. Sheba George Goa, Gujrat, Maharashtra, Rajasthan
09 Ms. Martha Gladstone Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Pondicherry
10 Ms. Vasanth Kannabiran Andhra Pradesh
11 Ms. Ruth Manorama Karnataka